2019-02-27T13:41:14+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching, Programs, The Change Gym|

This article will help you understand the value of working with a change fitness coach. HIGH VALUE OUTCOMES Success. Have you ever watched a master at work? A master makes it look easy. However, becoming a master is anything but easy. It takes dedication, commitment, and years of practice. Becoming successful is not easy. Becoming successful involves change. The master wasn’t always the master. Success doesn’t make people successful. Success is what happens when we grow and learn [...]

What’s So Special About Change Fitness Coaching?

2019-02-27T13:42:38+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

What's So Special About Change Fitness Coaching? What's so special about change fitness coaching and why could it interest you? Coaching is an exciting industry and there is scope to specialise and find your niche. But whatever your niche may be, all coaches have something in common: they want their clients to make positive change in their lives.  It is therefore important to have a clear understanding of how people succeed at change. Different 'Types' of Clients [...]


2019-02-23T15:36:38+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

We provide International Coach Federation accredited professional development training for coaches in change fitness, change leadership, and change readiness. Our training will equip you to better understand your clients' change journey and how to help them build their capacity to succeed at it. There are pathways leading to certification as a change fitness coach, and licensing opportunities. There are also pathways leading to post-graduate studies at the University of Tasmania. These pathways are available to self-employed coaches, contract [...]

How Change Fitness Affects Performance

2019-03-25T14:01:16+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching, Managing Change|

Change fitness supports performance Change fitness doesn’t only help you change – change fitness also helps you perform. In the modern world, our ability to perform is increasingly dependent on our ability to change. In the past, performance was largely measured by how good we became at doing a given task – like making horse shoes. If you have good hand/eye co-ordination and you make horse shoes long enough, you become a high-performance worker. But things change so [...]

How to Leverage Individual Differences During Change

2019-02-23T16:41:06+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Managing Change|

SWOT When seeking to manage organisational change, it is important to identify and leverage your strengths. A useful methodology to use is a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). In this article, I want to consider two areas of individual differences that could inform a SWOT analysis, and how those differences could be leveraged. Individuals can be different in many ways. There are ethnic and cultural differences, differences in training and education, gender differences, differences in roles and [...]

How to Coach and Build a Business

2019-02-25T09:52:14+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

In this article I want to address the issue of how to coach and at the same time how to build a coaching business. I recently posted on LinkedIn an article called “Should I Become a Coach?”. In that article, I listed 5 qualities a coach needs to have, and 5 attitudes a coach shouldn’t have. The article resonated with many people, but someone commented that good coaches need more than the right personal attributes – they also [...]

Build the Capacity to Change

2019-02-27T13:44:20+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

I believe change is possible for everyone, but that doesn’t mean everyone has the capacity to change. What does that mean? What do we mean by 'change'? We need to go back to basics. What do we mean by ‘change’? Over 40 years ago, two American researchers explained to us what is meant by change. They showed us that change doesn’t just happen – it’s not an event. It might look like an event when we look back [...]

What Is a Change Fitness Coach?

2019-02-27T13:44:54+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

Steve, what is a change fitness coach? I have been asked this question many times, so I thought I would write down my answer. I will make my answer simple but bear in mind that behind this simple answer lies a depth of abstract concepts and academic research. A change fitness coach is an experienced and highly skilled coach who has undertaken further training to help their clients develop change fitness. You probably understand all of that except [...]

Managing Change, Change Fitness, and Power

2020-05-09T07:09:05+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Managing Change|

Much of the language around change management has to do with power. In this article I want to challenge you to rethink the nature of this power and to consider the role of change fitness. Power over change What words do we often hear when people talk of managing change? How about these: influence, leverage, reengineer, redirect, mandate, restructure, convince, get onboard, enlist, persuade, manage, reorganise. What kind of power do these words suggest to you? I suggest [...]

The Change Quadrant™

2021-10-24T11:13:07+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

The idea of change fitness didn’t just come out of nowhere. It has been shaped by the ideas of great thought leaders, including Lewin, Sternberg, McAdams, Maruna, Koltko-Rivera, Prochaska & DiClemente, Seligman, Gergan, Bruner, Frankl, Kegan, and many others. In this article, I want to focus on one of these thinkers and show you how his work contributes to the change fitness concept. Kurt Lewin Kurt Lewin is very well known by people in the organisational change space. [...]

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