Change: The Learning Zone

2019-11-15T13:59:07+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching, Programs|

In a previous article, I made the claim that humans are hard-wired for change. My argument there was that, since we have managed to survive and thrive in virtually every ecological niche on the planet (or at least in a diverse range of ecological niches), we are, as a species, very adaptable and not only adaptable but also able to adapt the environment to suit our purposes. Since this is arguably true of modern humans in general, it is logical [...]

How to Create Successful Change

2019-09-22T08:10:48+10:00By |Categories: Change Readiness, Leadership, Managing Change, Programs, Resistance|

In 2010, McKinsey reported the findings of a huge study involving more than 315,000 respondents. They found that 75% of organisations were experiencing change and that 70% of change initiatives were regarded as unsuccessful.Hundreds of other studies corroborate the 70% failure rate statistic. This statistic is often cited in the change management community as a reason to engage change management professionals as change leaders. But the problem is that the 70% statistic has remained stable for decades, even though change [...]


2019-02-27T13:41:14+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching, Programs, The Change Gym|

This article will help you understand the value of working with a change fitness coach. HIGH VALUE OUTCOMES Success. Have you ever watched a master at work? A master makes it look easy. However, becoming a master is anything but easy. It takes dedication, commitment, and years of practice. Becoming successful is not easy. Becoming successful involves change. The master wasn’t always the master. Success doesn’t make people successful. Success is what happens when we grow and learn [...]

Personal Change Fitness Program

2022-01-13T16:12:59+10:00By |Categories: Programs|

What’s the Background? The PCFP was developed in 2015 by The Change Gym’s founders, Steve and Stephanie Barlow. To be agile and ready to succeed at change, people need strengths in 7 key psychological resources. We call these 7 resources ‘change fitness’. The more change fitness you have, the more likely you are to be successful at change. What Happens? When someone enrols in the PCFP, they begin by taking an IRVEY assessment [...]

How to Become a Better Coach

2021-10-24T11:11:47+10:00By |Categories: Coaching, Programs|

How to Become a Better Coach How can you become a better coach? You might be just starting out as a coach, or you might have been in the business for years. The more important question is; how are you becoming a better coach? Improving your knowledge There are two ways of answering this question. Many people answer it the first way. They say they become a better coach by improving their knowledge, their technique, and their [...]

Training for Change

2018-08-27T09:41:49+10:00By |Categories: Programs|

I recently participated in a LinkedIn discussion on the topic of whether soft skills training has any lasting effect. Other contributors made some very interesting and valuable points. Some commented that the positive influence of training does not last if people return to work environments that are unsupportive of the ideas and values promoted in the training. Others proposed that soft skills training has a tendency to be theoretical, and many trainers do not take the trouble to [...]

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