Our change readiness journey

2023-12-26T08:32:25+10:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

For Steve Barlow, the pathway to change readiness began in prison. Now, don't jump to any hasty conclusions! Steve worked in prisoner rehabilitation in a maximum security prison in Sydney - he delivered anger management and conflict resolution programs to inmates. It was during this time that he became interested in change readiness. Why? Because attempts to change people don't work very well if those people aren't ready for change. You can spend a lot of money and not see [...]

How we look

2023-09-27T13:45:09+10:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

How we look at things determines what we see.Some industries appear monolithic. When we consider the health industry, the image of multi-storey hospitals comes to mind. We think of designated wards, operating theatres, and expensive machines. These huge buildings are the institutional face of healthcare – a blend of humanitarian approachability and scientific distance. Large hospitals have human lifespans – even longer in many cases – and they may seem unchanging to outside observers.But appearances are deceiving. The people who [...]

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