Change Fitness and Culture

2023-06-23T10:21:25+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

Change fitness follows a normal distribution, like many other aspects of our world. This means the average person has an average amount of change fitness. A small percentage of the population has lots of it and a small percentage of the population has very little of it.I argue that change fitness is acquired via learning. This means there must be some force in a community that limits excessive amounts and very low levels of change fitness. What could that force [...]


2023-06-19T08:18:08+10:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

To be optimistic doesn’t mean you’re in denial about life’s unpleasant realities. Optimistic people aren’t immune from struggles, obstacles, and disappointments.Along the road to success, we all find obstacles that block our pathway. Sometimes they are inside us – like the fear of failure, insecurity, anxiety, or lack of motivation to get started. And sometimes they are on the pathway itself – like difficult people, running out of money, or wicked problems.Such obstacles should not surprise us. The world was [...]

Differences between change management and change readiness

2023-06-23T02:06:22+10:00By |Categories: Change Readiness, Managing Change|

The concepts of change readiness and change management are related because they both deal with change. But in what ways are they different and how should we think about each of them?Here's an analogy that will help us understand the differences. Imagine you wanted to repaint an old house. The walls are dirty and stained by grubby fingers and smokey fires.You're not going to get a good result if you put paint on these walls. It will peel off before [...]

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