How to Manage Client Accountability in Coaching

2019-02-23T14:43:53+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

Accountability We are all accountable for what we say and do because we are part of a system. Our behaviours affect others, and their behaviours affect us. This accountability takes many structures – such as accredited training, reflective practice, and on-going professional development. These structures are not hoops to jump over so you can call yourself a real coach. They are part of an accountability framework by which you prove you know what you’re doing and “the coaching [...]

How to Manage Expectations in Coaching

2019-02-22T11:45:08+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

We all have expectations. Coaches should make those expectations explicit at the outset of the coaching relationship, and they should insist on them throughout the relationship. It is important to be very clear about these expectations. The client should understand exactly what you expect of them, and what they can expect of you. You must remain true to these expectations – you lead by example. What you should expect from the client You should expect the client will: [...]

Linda’s Story

2019-02-22T11:53:10+10:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Linda came to me after a successful career in the corporate world. She was facing a period of change in her life and she was a little nervous about it. She needed some help on a personal level, and she thought the PCFP (Personal Change Fitness Program) would help professionally as she moved into the next phase of her life. Linda took the initial change fitness assessment and her change fitness scores were at the higher end of [...]


2019-02-23T15:36:38+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

We provide International Coach Federation accredited professional development training for coaches in change fitness, change leadership, and change readiness. Our training will equip you to better understand your clients' change journey and how to help them build their capacity to succeed at it. There are pathways leading to certification as a change fitness coach, and licensing opportunities. There are also pathways leading to post-graduate studies at the University of Tasmania. These pathways are available to self-employed coaches, contract [...]

Barriers Coaching Clients Face – and How You Can Address Them

2019-02-23T14:52:58+10:00By |Categories: Change Readiness, Coaching|

Common questions about coaching If the coaching-specific literature and the 2016 #ICF survey of coaches are anything to go by, a lot of people are interested in the impact and benefits of coaching. Common questions are: “Does coaching actually work?” “How much difference does it make in the real world?” These are reasonable questions. Reasonable, but one-sided. Whether coaching works or not doesn’t help us understand what coaching looks and feels like for the coachee. Nor does it [...]

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