Will Change Fitness Become a Key Employability Factor?

2021-10-24T11:11:41+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

There are some good reasons why change fitness may become an important employability factor in the future. When you stop and think about the context of the modern world, at least in the West, there are three stand-out realities that can’t be ignored. First, there is incessant, unrelenting, and rapid change in technology, and in economic, commercial and sociological arenas. This change brings new opportunities for individuals and organisations able to capitalise on them, but it also brings [...]

Two Problems, One Solution

2018-08-27T09:37:14+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

Written by Steve Barlow Let me ask you a question. Why do your coaching clients come to you? There could be a myriad of reasons, but they probably all boil down to one thing – there is something they want that they don’t have, or there is something they have that they don’t want. In other words, something’s not working for them. Let’s call this Problem 1. Few people will look for a coach if they have no [...]

5 Signs of Low Change Fitness

2021-10-24T11:11:47+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

5 Signs of Low Change Fitness What are the 5 signs of low change fitness? If you hear comments like these from a client, it is likely a symptom of a change fitness problem. ‘I'll get around to it’ – Procrastination is a sign of low change fitness. In this problem the person is stuck at a stage of the change process and they are unable to move forward. They might know what they ought to do, [...]

What Really Makes Change Fail

2019-02-25T12:04:26+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Managing Change|

In this article we examine what makes change fail and why people resist change. Digging in Peter Senge quite famously said that people don’t resist change; they resist being changed. Most of us would know what it feels like to dig our heels in when someone tries to make us change against our will. Resistance to change occupies a fairly prominent position in the minds of managers who are charged with moving their teams from an ‘old normal’ [...]

Change Fitness: Why You Should Care

2019-02-28T13:52:39+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Managing Change|

Change fitness is all about having the personal or organisational resources that enable you to handle change really well. Having change fitness gives you a competitive advantage over others who struggle to cope with change. There are many reasons why you should care about change fitness.  In this article I want to introduce you to just three of them. The first reason relates to individuals; the other two are more relevant to businesses or other organisations. Achievement Our [...]

Change Fitness: Type or Condition?

2018-08-27T09:45:35+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

I want to address in this short article a question some of you might be asking about change fitness. Does change fitness relate to a certain type of person (i.e., is the change-fit person a certain type of person?) or does it refer to the current change fitness of any of us? In other words, does change fitness relate to who we are, or does it relate to how we are? Psychological Tests Most of us have some [...]

Develop Change Fitness

2019-02-27T13:49:23+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

The Change Gym is a place where you develop fitness – not physical fitness but change fitness.  This is where you learn how to get good at making change.  We know exactly what you need to do to become change fit, and it can happen for you. But you first need to decide you want to become more change fit, and you need to be prepared to take action. We will assess your current level of change fitness with [...]

Why Test for Change Fitness When Recruiting?

2018-08-27T09:46:00+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

According to a recent article, the true cost of recruiting a new staff member can exceed $100,000.   Such expensive investments deserve a rigorous and well-informed decision-making process. Recruitment agencies and some employers often use psychometric tests to screen potential candidates.  These tests may target such areas as personality type, aptitude, job-fit, emotional intelligence, leadership, performance, work preferences, cognitive ability, and skills.   It is important to have information about these issues, but there is something else that may be [...]

Change Fitness and IRVEY®

2019-02-28T09:47:26+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

This article focuses on The Change Gym's change fitness assessment tool, IRVEY. In business as in life, you have to change just to keep up. Some of the companies whose names are commonplace today will be forgotten in the future. Assessing change capacity How do you know whether your organisation is good at change? You may think you are good because of past successes. But experience isn’t always an accurate predictor of future performance. Dynamics change, and as [...]

How to Train for Change Fitness

2019-02-28T09:59:09+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness|

Many years ago I heard a strange little story about a wicker basket.  An old woman had a wicker basket that became very dirty through much use.  She gave the basket to a young boy in the village and told him to go down to the stream, fill the basket with water, and bring the water back to her.  The boy did as he was told, but by the time he had returned, all the water has seeped [...]

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