Barriers Coaching Clients Face – and How You Can Address Them

2019-02-23T14:52:58+10:00By |Categories: Change Readiness, Coaching|

Common questions about coaching If the coaching-specific literature and the 2016 #ICF survey of coaches are anything to go by, a lot of people are interested in the impact and benefits of coaching. Common questions are: “Does coaching actually work?” “How much difference does it make in the real world?” These are reasonable questions. Reasonable, but one-sided. Whether coaching works or not doesn’t help us understand what coaching looks and feels like for the coachee. Nor does it [...]

How Change Fitness Affects Performance

2019-03-25T14:01:16+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching, Managing Change|

Change fitness supports performance Change fitness doesn’t only help you change – change fitness also helps you perform. In the modern world, our ability to perform is increasingly dependent on our ability to change. In the past, performance was largely measured by how good we became at doing a given task – like making horse shoes. If you have good hand/eye co-ordination and you make horse shoes long enough, you become a high-performance worker. But things change so [...]

Overcoming Negative Attitudes to Change in Coaching

2021-10-24T11:13:14+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

This article is written for coaches and people involved in managing change. We have all adapted to change Humans are oddly ambiguous creatures. On the one hand, we are among the most adaptable of creatures. Before we had developed writing, humans had settled in almost every corner of the globe. We were living in harsh deserts, in tropical rain forests, in the icy and treeless plains of the frozen north, on high mountains and idyllic islands in the [...]

How to Assess Client Progress in Coaching

2019-02-25T09:29:56+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

This article explores how to assess client progress in coaching and is mainly written for people who are new to coaching (as well as old hands). I will be considering how to assess client progress in coaching by referring to one of the 11 Core Competencies outlined by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This is also reflected in the Competence Framework outlined by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). How do you measure progress? So, you coach [...]

How to Coach and Build a Business

2019-02-25T09:52:14+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

In this article I want to address the issue of how to coach and at the same time how to build a coaching business. I recently posted on LinkedIn an article called “Should I Become a Coach?”. In that article, I listed 5 qualities a coach needs to have, and 5 attitudes a coach shouldn’t have. The article resonated with many people, but someone commented that good coaches need more than the right personal attributes – they also [...]

How to Reduce Anxiety in Coaching

2019-02-24T10:22:00+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

Anxiety Have you ever thought of how clients feel before that first coaching session they have with you? Some might be excited and really looking forward to it, but others might be slightly anxious about it. Anxiety isn’t a helpful emotion in coaching so in this article we are going to consider some practical steps you can take to reduce those unwanted feelings of anxiety. Before we look at those steps, let’s first consider why your clients might [...]

Is Coaching a Form of Education?

2019-02-24T10:35:14+10:00By |Categories: Coaching|

The backlash A few months ago, while talking with an experienced coach, I made the comment that coaching is a form of education. That statement encountered an immediate backlash. According to this person, coaching and education are quite different. So, why do I claim that coaching is a form of education? Education as category As a category, education is very broad, and I believe that coaching finds its place within that broad category. But we first should understand [...]

Build the Capacity to Change

2019-02-27T13:44:20+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

I believe change is possible for everyone, but that doesn’t mean everyone has the capacity to change. What does that mean? What do we mean by 'change'? We need to go back to basics. What do we mean by ‘change’? Over 40 years ago, two American researchers explained to us what is meant by change. They showed us that change doesn’t just happen – it’s not an event. It might look like an event when we look back [...]

What Is a Change Fitness Coach?

2019-02-27T13:44:54+10:00By |Categories: Change Fitness, Coaching|

Steve, what is a change fitness coach? I have been asked this question many times, so I thought I would write down my answer. I will make my answer simple but bear in mind that behind this simple answer lies a depth of abstract concepts and academic research. A change fitness coach is an experienced and highly skilled coach who has undertaken further training to help their clients develop change fitness. You probably understand all of that except [...]

Becoming Adaptable, Remaining Stable

2019-02-22T12:42:09+10:00By |Categories: Coaching, General|

When I was a kid we had a game called Fiddle Sticks, also called Pick Up Sticks. You had a container of sticks which you’d empty onto the table, creating a random structure. Each player would try to remove one stick at a time, trying to prevent the structure from collapsing. With a steady hand, you’d gingerly remove a stick, trying very hard not to disturb the others and collapse the whole pile. Like that game In a [...]

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