This post is about making decisions – what to consider and what you should be aware of.

Every now and then, we come to a fork in the road. We need to decide – which road will I take? These are decisions with significant consequences but there are also smaller, more transactional choices we make every day.

Our problem is that we can’t see the future. We might be able to predict a few moves ahead, but after that the road twists and turns out of view. Sometimes, we are left in a fog of uncertainty.

Some people get stuck right there. They are confused and afraid of making the wrong choice. Others rush ahead with reckless abandon – decision-making on the cheap.

Okay, so let’s address the elephant in the room. No matter what we choose, we might experience self-doubt. And that doubt might be justified because don’t always make the best decisions. It’s called being human.

But let’s think strategically. What are the costs and benefits of each choice? Which choice is more compatible with my goals and purposes? Which one feels true to self?

By thinking strategically, we are pushing self-doubt and fear to the back of the stage and letting the spotlight shine on logical reasoning. We are not denying our feelings, but neither are we letting them control our decisions.

If you follow my posts, you will know I occasionally write about strategy. Am I an expert in strategy? No, but I am an expert in change readiness and being ready for change involves strategic thinking. There is no point in changing if all your decisions are wrong.

What do you think is most important about strategic thinking?

Steve Barlow
Author: Steve Barlow

Steve is a change readiness specialist. You can contact him at