We hear a lot these days about AI – how smart it is and what it can do better and faster than humans. But here’s a question I’d ask you to consider – how do you plan to optimise the performance of your workers during times of rapid change?
Change is not easy for many people. It brings about pressure, tension, anxiety, and stress. Workers worry about their roles, promotions, and career growth. They fear not meeting expectations or being compared to their peers. These are real challenges that need to be addressed.
It’s difficult to perform at your best when you feel tense about issues like these, yet that’s what the modern world is like. To make the problem even worse, AI adds other complexities and uncertainties that impact people’s performance.
In this era of rapid change, it’s more important than ever for workers to develop the skills to perform well amidst uncertainties. It’s not enough to react to change-businesses and organisations need a proactive strategy to build the change readiness of their people.
How are you planning to develop your organisation’s change readiness? Do you need help developing the best strategy? Check out The Change Gym website for more ideas.
Author: Steve Barlow
Steve is a change readiness specialist. You can contact him at steve@thechangegym.com.